Dr Siân Phillips MB,BCh MRCP FRCR is an experienced Consultant Radiologist based in South Wales.
She gained her undergraduate and postgraduate medical training in Wales. She has held several leadership roles during her career, including Associate Dean and Head of School at Health Education
and Improvement Wales; chair of Medical Imaging Sub-Committee and Imaging Essential Services Group, advising Welsh Government; and Clinical Director. As part of her active involvement in teaching and training, she has been involved in developing undergraduate curricula, been an FRCR examiner at the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), and was instrumental in establishing and developing the National Imaging Academy, Wales. As a Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists, she plays an active role in RCR activity.
Siân has extensive experience with Digital Tomosynthesis imaging in the general clinical setting. Her service was the first clinical department in the UK, second in Europe to introduce this innovative
technology. Her experiences with digital tomosynthesis she has shared widely, presenting at international conferences worldwide. She has sat on the Medical Advisory Board of GE Healthcare and acted as Medical Advisor to Adaptix for several years.